On September 15th the INSPIRE advisory board and INSPIRE researchers had their first meeting. Due to corona virus restrictions the meeting was held online.
The board consists of George Mahashe (Artist, photographer and academic), Anna Konik (Visual artist), Martin Bach, (Director of the Goethe Institut Norway), Mirjam de Bruijn (Professor in anthropology and African studies, Leiden University), Solveig Korum (Kulturtanken Oslo) and Anaïs Lellouche (Art curator).
The meeting served as a first introduction between the board members and researchers to get to know each other and the INSPIRE project. As well as to discuss the role of the board in more detail and identify how the board can contribute to the INSPIRE project both collectively and individually.
We had interesting discussions on questions concerning methodology, how to bridge arts, academics, and the humanities, and how research can be done through the arts.
We look forward to ongoing discussions, questions and contributions from the board members, challenging and further pushing the research in INSPIRE.