As part of the final conference of the INSPIRE project, we invite you to this engaging roundtable meeting on art and activism in Myanmar.
All welcome!
10.45 Animation film: “One More Light” by Kue Cool
10.50 “Portraits of a Revolution” Marte Nilsen, PRIO
11.00 Poetry reading: “A Request” by Pacifist Farooq
11.05 “Curation as Method: Reflections on autoethnography & artist-researcher collaborations" Sara Wong, Doctoral Researcher LSE
11.20 “The Shadows of Heros” Zun May Oo, Myanmar artist and INSPIRE Art Award nominee
11.35 “Voices from Burma’s Spring Revolution” Ida Fagervold, Doctoral Researcher University of Oslo
11.50 “The Sixteen Dreams of King Kosala and today’s Myanmar” Chuu Wai, Myanmar Artist
12.05 Panel discussion with Chuu Wai, Zun May Oo, Ida Fagervold and Sara Wong. Moderated by Marte Nilsen
12.30 Open Gallery and Lunch by Den Fete Burmeser
From the left: Marte Nilsen, Chuu Wai, Zun May Oo, Ida Fagervold and Sara Wong. Photo: PRIO / Miglė Gerčaitė