New tools for the field of peace and conflict studies.
In the past 20 years phenomenology has seen an intellectual resurgence, both as a philosophical method, and as a theoretical framework guiding inter-disciplinary investigations within fields such as psychology, anthropology, religious studies and sociology.
Critical phenomenology has shown that the methods and concepts developed within this tradition to analyse lived experience, can be particularly useful in highlighting marginalized voices. It can reveal how structures of power shape individual actors' sense of agency, as well as their own creative capacities to resist, reinterpret and remake their situations.
The workshop will explore the relevance of phenomenology and critical phenomenology to ongoing and future research at PRIO. It will highlight ways in which social phenomena relevant to PRIO's research has been thematized by contemporary phenomenologists, as well as social scientist's experiences with applying these tools in their work.
The first day will consist of presentations and discussions open to the public, the second day is a closed event to explore and discuss the relevance of phenomenology and critical phenomenology within existing and future research projects at PRIO, based on the presentations from day one.
When: Day 1: Tuesday March 15, 13:15-17:30 (CET)
Day 2: Wednesday March 16, 9:30-11:30 (CET)
Please contact Sigurd Hovd if you would like to participate in day 2 of the workshop: sighov@prio.org
Where: Peace Room and onlineClick here to join the meeting (Microsoft Teams)
Programme, day 1, Tuesday March 15, 13:15-17:30 (CET)
13:15-13:25: Introduction
13:25-13:45: Presentation by Michael Staudigl, university lecturer at the University of Vienna: On phenomenology and the phenomenon of violence
13:45-14:05: Presentation by Lucy Osler, postdoc at Copenhagen University, connected to the Center for Subjectivity Studies: Phenomenology's critical promise
14:05-14:25: Presentation by Thomas Szanto, associate professor at Copenhagen University, connected to the Center for Subjectivity Studies: Phenomenology and political emotions
14:25-14:30: SHORT BREAK
14:30-15:15: Plenary discussion with comments and questions from audience
Moderated by: Sigurd Hovd, doctoral student, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)
15:15-15:30: BREAK
15:30-15:50: Presentation by Gunn Engelsrud, professor Department of Sport, Food and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Education, Arts and Sports Western Norway University of Applied Sciences: Levels of constitution of embodiment from a phenomenological perspective – the role of the body in knowledge production
15:50-16:10: Presentation by Sara Christophersen, research assistant, Peace Research Institute Oslo, PRIO: Title tbc
16:10-16:30: Presentation by Eden Kinkaid, doctoral student, School of Geography, Development & Environment, University of Arizona: Critical phenomenology: Thinking power and social difference
16:30-16:35: SHORT BREAK
16:35-17:15: Plenary discussion with comments and questions from audience
Moderated by Sigurd Hovd, doctoral student, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)
17:15-17:30: Closing remarks
Click here to join the meeting (Microsoft Teams)
About the presenters:
Michael Staudigl is a university lecturer at the University of Vienna. He has written extensively on topics such as the phenomenology of violence, religiosity, and sociality. He also edited the ninth edition of Studies in Contemporary Phenomenology, titled Phenomenologies of Violence. Staudigl will be speaking on how violence and conflict can come to be a topic of phenomenological investigation.
Lucy Osler is a post-doc at Copenhagen University connected to the Center for Subjectivity Research. She writes on topics such as embodiment, emotion and sociality, and the nature of online spaces. Osler will be speaking on the critical potential present within the phenomenological tradition.
Thomas Szanto is an associate professor at Copenhagen University connected to the Center for Subjectivity Research. He has written on topics such as the emotions, empathy, and the phenomenology of sociology. Szanto is currently heading a research project, funded by the Austrian Research Fund, on antagonistic political emotions, which will also be the topic of his presentation.
Eden Kinkaid (they/them) is a human geographer at the University of Arizona in the United States. Eden pursues various interests in human geography, including food, culture, and development; geographic theory; and creative geographies. Their work in geographic theory sits at the intersections of post-structuralist geographies, critical phenomenology, and queer/feminist theory. Eden's work on phenomenology has been published in Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, Progress in Human Geography, and GeoHumanities, and is forthcoming in The Encyclopedia of Phenomenology. You can follow Eden on Twitter (@queergeog).
Gunn Engelsrud has a PhD in pedagogy from the University of Oslo. Her professional field of competence is within pedagogy, phenomenology, and qualitative research. She is an experienced teacher and supervisor for students (MA, PhD) within Health Sciences, Physical Education, Dance- and Movement studies. Her current research field is learning and teaching in higher education. Among her latest publications is: "Theorizing bodily dialogs-reflection on knowledge production in phenomenological research". Physiotherapy Theory and Practice 2021 10.1080/09593985.2021.1923098 and "Taking time for new ideas: learning qualitative research methods in higher sports education". Sport, Education and Society 2021 10.1080/13573322.2021.2014804
Sara Christophersen is a dancer, choreographer, and researcher and is currently working as research assistant at PRIO. For the past 15 years, she has worked as an independent choreographer and dancer, taking part in and leading several collaborative projects in Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan and Ethiopia. In her work she is particularly interested in feminist methodologies, notions of solidarity and care, and collaborative processes of knowledge creation. She has an MA in human geography from the University of Oslo (2020) and BA in dance and choreography from Laban in London (2004).